This short story focuses on Lushia's affinity for dreams and dreaming. It is based on a dream I actually had--though with camera lens filters; there are no cameras in Vael so spectacles had to do.
A table stood before Lushia, with 6 pairs of spectacles lined up. Her gaze drifted around the room, noticing the deep blue walls of the comfortable living room. There was a cushy-looking couch with three pillows, the one in the center a large black fluff monster with innocently curious eyes. She looked back down at the table, and picked up the first pair of spectacles.
Instead of a deep blue, the walls appeared purple through the rose-tinted glasses. Everything else looked the same.
Huh... Lushia thought. This is kind of cool.
She picked up a green-tinted pair, through which the walls appeared teal: one of her favorite colors.
As she eagerly held the next pair, she heard a muffled voice echoing. But there was no one in the room but her. There were no doors. Perhaps they had come from the roof, by using a bullhorn to echo their way through the walls? Or maybe the room was paper?
Lushia's dream bubble silently popped as Seamus' voice rang. The contrast of dreaming--with that sensation of her brain being massaged regardless of its (sometimes weird) content--was highlighted by the clarity and heaviness of being awake.
Seamus was peeking his head through her bedroom doorway.
"Come on Lushia, time to get up." he said. "Training starts in one hour."
Lushia rubbed her eyes. She'd much rather be dreaming.
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